Which blinds are best?
The answer depends on a number of factors:
1) What is your primary requirement(s) i.e. privacy, warmth, sun-protection or light-control
2) Fixing - how will the blinds be installed i.e. within the window frame or outside the window frame?
3) Aesthetics - what do you prefer the look of?
4) Budget - while all blinds are usually cheaper than other window treatments, there are lots of premium blind options now available.
Roller Blinds come, in 3 main types of fabric:
1) Blackout - Provide nighttime privacy and warmth. Hundreds of colours and textures are available, and many have acrylic thermal liners to assist with insulation.
2) Sunfilter - Block between 90-98% of UV, reduce glare and provide daytime privacy. Perfect for offices and TV rooms.
3) Lightfilter - Diffuses light and provides daytime and nighttime privacy. Good for screening and entrance ways.
Roller Blinds can be used in combination on most windows for both day and nighttime and are increasingly now motorised for a great user experience.
Venetian Blinds
Venetian blinds are designed to offer light control and privacy through tilt control.
Venetian blinds are manufactured from Timber, PVC and Aluminium and come in 25mm, 50mm and 60mm widths.
Timber is light and good for insulating; PVC is great for high humidity areas and aluminium which have a 25mm profile are good for windows with narrow frames.
Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds offer both light control and privacy and are available in both Blackout and Lightfilter fabrics. Vertical blinds are good for large sliding and stacking doors, as they can be drawn to the Left, Right or can be Centre-opening.
Honeycomb Blinds
Honeycomb blinds are manufactured with 25mm or 45mm pockets of Lightfilter or Room Darkening fabric and are great insulators, as they have almost no light bleed. Honeycomb blinds are great for windows in cold rooms where minimising heat loss is crucial.
There are many great options for blonds and depending on your primary need, type of window frame and personal tastes the perfect blind can help transform your home or office.